Monday, August 20, 2007

Potty Training - 24 Hours of NO Accidents!

After about a week of potty training, Cassidy had her first 24 hour period with NO accidents. She had been very successful at staying dry during the day, but we were struggling with staying dry overnight. Determined not to give up and revert to wearing diapers at night, we forged ahead and soon our efforts were rewarded. To celebrate this huge accomplishment, we took Cassidy to McDonald's to celebrate with breakfast and playtime in the Playland. I think I may be more excited about reaching this goal than when I completed my master's degree! (BTW, we are now on our third day with no accidents. No more diapers...HOORAY!!!)


Anonymous said...

Ok, I want to know how you mastered night training so quickly! WOW! Good job Cassidy!

Btw - I believe you know my cousin. She is "David's Mom" from story time. :) She saw your blog attached to mine and mentioned that she recognized you!

Anonymous said...

Ok, I want to know how you mastered night training so quickly! WOW! Good job Cassidy!

Btw - I believe you know my cousin. She is "David's Mom" from story time. :) She saw your blog attached to mine and mentioned that she recognized you!

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