Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Lily's First Word

I originally wrote the post below about a week ago. I have some great video I'd like to share with you all, but have not been able to get it to upload to Blogger. I'll keep trying, but in the meantime, I wanted to give you an update on Lily's recent accomplishments! :)

Here it is folks...Lily's First Word! It's DaDa...Joeyis SO proud! She started saying it Monday, but I told Joey we couldn't count it until we both heard it. Yesterday, when she started saying it I called him and held the phone up for him to hear. Then I grabbed the camera and started recording it for posterity! :)

Other news - Lily is rolling from a sitting position to a crawling position and pushing from her tummy to a crawling position. She rocks back and forth from her hands and knees and uses her hands to turn herself around while on her knees. Stay tuned - I'm sure we'll have crawling footage to share before too long!

UPDATE - Since I first wrote this post a week ago, Lily has begun to crawl. She took her first tentative steps yesterday (MLK Holiday) as Joey, Cassidy, and I cheered her on. We haven't been able to get it on video yet, but keep checking back to see Lily on the move! I also found her sitting up in her crib this morning...my baby is quickly growing into a big girl!

We had a fun MLK weekend with Uncle John and crew. Joey was upset that we didn't get any real accumulation of snow, but Cassidy was tickled to play with the little bit that was on our vehicles. I'll try to get pictures up soon so you can see her with her first snowball! :)

1 comment:

Kristy said...

Way to go Lily! I can't believe how big she is getting. Hopefully MAMA is quick to follow DaDa.

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