Monday, February 11, 2008

FOLEX...for those tough carpet stains!

Just had to pass on this tidbit -

For some time, I've been trying to find something that will successfully clean stains on my carpet. (Between daily traffic, spit up, and potty-training (during which Cassidy peed on every inch of our carpet) we have quite a few spots.) I've tried all the name brand carpet cleaners without seeing a significant improvement. However, I now have the answer: FOLEX!!!

Folex can be found at Lowe's or Home Depot. The company does not advertise at all; for 35 years they have relied on word-0f-mouth to sell their product. For $5 you can buy a big bottle and it really works. Simply spray Folex on your stain, use your finger to agitate it a little, and blot with a rag. Your work is done! The stain disappears before your eyes! Where does it go? I don't know, but who cares?!?!?! It's gone! :) I am extremely pleased with the results!

Thanks to my mom-in-law, Mary, for this great tip!!!

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