Friday, March 14, 2008

MOPS Easter Egg Hunt

Today we joined a local MOPS group at Lake Benson for an Easter Egg Hunt and a picnic. Here are some of my favorite pics from this morning:

Cassidy and Weston playing with bubbles.
Lily watching the action.

Cassidy did NOT want her picture taken...little does she know, I got her in the picture anyway! :)

Getting ready to look for Easter Eggs!

On the hunt

Happy after a successful hunt (She really IS happy...she has a thing about having her picture taken, so even though she's not smiling, I was just glad she was standing still!)

Cassidy with her loot

1 comment:

Criss said...

Looks like they had a blast! I so love being able to see their pics on here and reading about ya'lls daily life! Keep up the good work!

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