Monday, May 12, 2008

A Very Special Mother's Day Gift...

Our family had an especially busy week last week - Joey was gone pretty much 24/7 between tennis matches and driving for field trips and the girls and I were on the go, too . Everyone was pretty crabby by the time Saturday rolled around, so we had a pretty mellow Mother's Day Weekend. That was perfectly fine with favorite part of Mother's Day (or any day for that matter) is spending time with Joey and the girls.

After breakfast on Sunday, however, Lily had one more special gift for us as she took her first steps from me to Joey. We were all so thrilled. Cassidy, Joey, and I continued to cheer for her as she repeated the feat again and again. She is very stable as she walks - these were not tripping steps as she fell forward into our arms. At one point, she took a couple of steps, stopped and stood still for a moment and then took another step to finish her walk to me. It was too cool. In an interesting coincidence, Cassidy crawled on her first Mother's Day. So over the years, my girls have given me some pretty special Mother's Day gifts.

Other News - Joey's been busy finishing the men's tennis season. His team finished 2nd in the conference and Joey was voted Conference Coach of the Year. As always, we are very proud of all his hard work. We've enjoyed some nice, warm days lately and the girls have had a blast playing at the park and in our wading pool. Lily has no fear and Cassidy, who is typically pretty cautious, has turned into a daredevil on the slide and swings. Our days stay really busy...although I often have a hard time pinpointing exactly what I accomplished. The girls are still alive, so I guess I'm doing OK! :)

1 comment:

Criss said...

Way to go Lily!

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