Wednesday, June 11, 2008

1-Year Stats

20 pounds, 5 ounces
28 1/2 inches

21 pounds
30 1/2 inches

OTHER NEWS - Lily is walking everywhere...she does not want to crawl at all if possible. She can change direction and U-turn while walking and most of the time she can steady herself if she trips and then continue to walk. Her vocabulary includes "Mom," "Mama," "Daddy" (which sounds VERY southern when she says it), "Cassidy," "cheerio," "book," "kitty," "up," "egg," "hi," "bye-bye," "no," "umbrella," and "flower." She makes dog, elephant, bunny, chicken, and monkey sounds. She is a climber - she loves stairs, but is also happy to climb onto chairs, tables, or anything else! She has 8 teeth - 3 on the top, 3 on the bottom, and 2 top molars.

Cassidy has been trying very hard to learn to swim. She is very excited because she is tall enough to stand in the shallow end of the pool and play. She loves to show us how she can walk around in the water. She knows how to "wall crawl" and goes to the wall for help if the water gets to deep for her. While going underwater is not her favorite thing, she knows how to hold her breath properly so that she does not choke. She loves going off the diving board, too. Joey and I are so pleased at how comfortable she is in and around the water. We are sure she'll be ready for the swim team soon! :)

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