Monday, October 20, 2008

Lettermen's Weekend at ECU

This weekend my family attended the ECU Lettermen's tailgate with my dad, who played cornerback at ECU from 1965-1969. He still holds the record for most interceptions in a game...he had 3, but when he tells the story he always says he should have had 5, but missed 2. It was really fun to see him with his old teammates and to see how much they all love him. I know he's wonderful, but it's always a blessing to see that others see it too! :)

After the tailgate, Joey and I took the girls to the football game...only intending to stay until halftime...but the girls were having a blast, so we got to see the whole game! The girls played and cheered for the Pirates (who won!) and we even had funnel cake! We also got the cheer for Dad who was recognized on the field with all the other Lettermen. The cold, misty weather didn't dampen our moods a bit and afterwards we agreed that it was the most fun we've had in a really long time...we definately were in need of some family time with just the 4 of us!

Lily, happy and full at the Lettermen's tailgate
Cassidy and Mema

Daddy and Cassidy cheering on the Pirates

Taking a drink break

Snuggling close to keep warm!

Our Family - happy at the end of a wonderful day in Pirate Country!

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