Friday, December 19, 2008

Preschool Holiday Party

Yesterday Cassidy's preschool class had their holiday party. The teachers had helped them each make a special shirt to wear with a Christmas tree made from their handprints on the front. They all looked precious in their matching shirts when I dropped Cassidy off at school yesterday morning.

Cassidy had been at preschool less than an hour when Ms. Laura called to say that she was holding her ear, crying for Mommy, and saying that her ear hurt. Joey had taken a 1/2 day off of work to go to the party, so I was able to leave Lily with him and go get Cassidy. We went to the doctor and, yes, on top of the hacking cough she's had for the past couple of weeks, now she has an ear infection.

Fortunately, the motrin and eardrops almost immediately took the pain away and she perked right up and wanted to go back to school for the party. We were so glad she didn't have to miss it. The kids sang for us and then enjoyed a special lunch. At the end of the day they presented all the parents with gifts they had made for sweet! The staff at FBC Preschool is so amazing and we are so thankful that Cassidy is a part of their preschool family!

Lily in her "Sugar Plum" outfit Grandma sent her...too cute!

Cassidy showing off her special party shirt.

Cassidy's class lining up for their performance

(Maire, Fortsen, Cassidy, Austin, Wyatt, Collin, Gabby, and James)

Singing "Away in a Manger," complete with motions. She was SO proud!

Jingling their bells and singing "Jingle Bells"

Smiling at her buddy, Austin

Party Time!!!

Chowing down on a Christmas cupcake

PeePaw also dropped by yesterday to bring Christmas presents. The girls were glad to spend some time with him!

Lily and PeePaw


Criss said...

The party looks like so much fun! We hope she is feeling better soon!!!

Kristy said...

I love the bow in Cassidy's hair. She looks soooo Pretty! :)

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