Tuesday, January 27, 2009

It's Potty Time!

Saturday we began our official potty training with Lily. She's been asking to go to the potty on occasion and often peed or pooped on the potty after making the request. So, although she is only 19 months old, Joey and I felt that she was more than ready...and we were more than ready to be done with diapers! :)

Saturday went surprisingly well with only 3 accidents and 10 successful trips to the potty. Although she did have an accident in the night, we were very excited about her progress. Sunday Joey was alone with the girls most of the day while I worked at the Kids Exchange Sale as a volunteer. Lily had more accidents than the day before, but made it through the night clean and dry. And then came Monday...

Lily spent Monday peeing all over the house. She knew she had to go and would ask 3-4 times in the space of about 10 minutes to go to the potty, but when on the potty she would play around for a minute, get bored, and want to get down without ever going to the bathroom. And then after all that effort, she'd pee on the floor...or on me while I was holding her! Anyway, by the end of the day I wanted to run screaming from the house (it didn't help that Joey had a long day and did not get home until after 7:00 p.m.).

After such a long day I vowed to escape the house one way or another, so Tuesday morning I packed up the potty seat and an extra change of clothes and after dropping Cassidy off at preschool Lily and I headed to storytime. Monday must have been the low point in the process because she was like a different kid on Tuesday. She had no accidents and even peed at the library! She did wet the bed in the night last night, but has used the potty twice this morning. I think it's safe to say we're diaper-free! HOORAY!!!

Funny story - Although she has pooped on the potty multiple times, Lily still seems a little hesitant and I think sometimes holds it in. When she finally pooped a couple of days ago, I made a big deal and even took pictures (yes, of the poop...I know...gross!) to reinforce how proud I was of her. She didn't poop at all on Tuesday and this morning with no fanfare or tears she finally pooped. I was heaping on the praise when she suddenly started calling Cassidy to come and take a picture of her poop (with her toy camera)! I think I may have started a rather disgusting habit! :)


Kristy said...

Too funny! I am glad Matt and I aren't the only parents taking pictures of poop! Congrats on being diaper free! Way to go Lily!

Unknown said...

Sick..... but so funny :)

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