Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Let it snow! Let it snow! Let it snow!

Tuesday morning Cassidy finally had her wish come true. We woke up to snow falling fast and furious and by the time all was said and done, we had about 6 inches of fluffy, white beauty covering the ground. It was the girls' first real snow day and boy did we have fun!
The world looked so peaceful when we woke up Tuesday morning.

Watching the snow fall all morning was almost as much fun as playing in it!

Our house covered in a blanket of beautiful snow.

Like Lily's gloves? We didn't have any her size, so she's wearing mine! :)

The girls LOVED throwing, kicking, and laying in the snow...until they got wet and cold! Lily lasted about 15 minutes...when the snow is up to your knees, it doesn't take long to get soaked! :)

Daddy and Cassidy attempting to make a snowman. The snow was just too fluffy to make a snowball, much less a snowman...which is unusual for NC where snow is usually more like ice!

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