Monday, June 15, 2009

Graduation Weekend

We spent the weekend in BSL celebrating Adrien's graduation with the family. Cassidy was sick the first day, but begged to go to Grandma's anyway. She quickly revived and we had a wonderful weekend of fun!

Lily and Whitney

Cassidy caught her very first fish this weekend using her new Disney Princess fishing rod!

Daddy was SOOOOO proud!

Daddy and Lily fishing together

Yes, I got in on the action too. The Disney Princess rod must be special because I caught 21 fish...

....and Joey caught 11 using an adult-sized rod! :)

Cassidy all dressed up for the graduation party

Does anyone see a fish?
(Connor, Lily, and Cassidy)

Lovely Lily

Watching the Water

Jarrett, Connor, and Cassidy

Playing chase (and football) with Hunter and the big boys

Jarrett rounding up the girls for dinner...they LOVE him!!!

The Cousins
(Back Row: Katie, Adrien, Hunter, Lily, Brittany, Connor, Jamie
Front Row: Cassidy, Jarrett, Jeremy, Whitney, Jon-Jon
Absent: Katy and Kimmie)

Cassidy showing off the veggies she picked from Grandma's garden. She dug potatoes and picked radishes.

Cassidy catching her first fish. She got startled and ran away when the fish grabbed her line, so Joey had to do the reeling for her! :)

Connor, Lily, and Cassidy dancing on the dock

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