Sunday, August 16, 2009

Lily's First Haircut

Lily had her first haircut on Friday...just a trim to get rid of all the scragglies.

Cassidy went first to show her that it was no big deal. Look how long her hair had gotten!

She does NOT like having her hair brushed because it gets so knotty, so there were some tears, but she tried her best to put on a brave face. Ms. Brenda took off 2-3 inches and put some long layers in her hair to help combat the knots.

And, in the end, she was pleased with the finished product...especially because everyone made a point to comment on how lovely her hair looked! :)

Next it was Lily's turn. She bravely took her seat and sat patiently for her trim.

She got a little pouty toward the end, but never cried. The hairdressers were all commenting on her full, pouty lips...they said she looked like Shiloh (Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie's daughter). Joey joked that perhaps we could sell some pictures of Lily to the tabloids for some cash! :)

All finished and looking precious!
In other news, we are still battling sickness at our house. I think Cassidy is finally well and rid of the nasty virus that looked like strep, flu, and pink eye all rolled into one, but Lily and I are still working to recover. I am still having a hard time eating, which, in turn, makes me tired and weak, and I am starting to suspect that Lily has developed an ear infection. I thought she just had a sore throat because she wasn't eating...and sore throat is associated with this virus...but she is drinking juice (which would burn a sore throat) but has not been sleeping well at night. I put some numbing drops in her ears to see if that would help perk her up and have been giving her motrin. We will head to Urgent Care today or to the pediatrician tomorrow depending on how things go.
I have an ultrasound on Thursday to check the position of my placenta. Hopefully, it has moved up enough so that we don't have to continue checking this issue and can just proceed with the pregnancy normally. The baby is well...awake ALL the I guess all the germs around our house haven't affected him/her. :)

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