Wednesday, September 09, 2009

Good News on the Baby Front!

I had my monthly OB appointment this morning and was finally able to hear some good news regarding my placenta. At 28 weeks (when my last ultrasound was done), my placenta was exactly 2 cm away from my cervix, the minimum distance allowed for a vaginal delivery.

Lucy, my midwife, felt really good about this, and although they have scheduled a follow-up ultrasound at 32 weeks just to be safe, I am relieved and fully confident that this baby will enter the world in a similar fashion to its sisters...safely and VERY quickly once the pushing starts! As Joey always tries to tell the Labor and Delivery Nurses, "I don't think you want to have her do a "practice push." She's a REALLY good pusher!" :) They never listen, so I always end up doing 1/2 a push before they start yelling, "Stop pushing! We need to get your midwife in here and get the room ready for delivery!" Told ya so! :)

It's usually very frustrating to be stopped mid-push ("You know that feeling when you're trying to blow a St. Bernard out of your ass?!?!"), but I have a feeling this time I won't mind quite as much! I'm just so thankful to be back on track for a natural delivery! Praise God!!!

In other praise-worthy news, not only was Lily able to get into a Ready to Learn class for this school year (we were unsure for awhile if we were still eligible), but her teacher was able to make a last-minute assignment change so that we could attend on Monday mornings when the class starts at 9:30. Her original class assignment, Wednesday, starts at 9:15 and we would have been unable to attend because I cannot drop off Cassidy and Bennett any earlier than 9:15.

Cassidy is thriving at preschool and I am so pleased with the level of instruction she is receiving. They are working diligently on handwriting and any activities she brings home - whether they are writing-based or not - has Cassidy's handwriting practice of her name on the back in different colored crayons. We are gearing up to celebrate her 4th birthday next week and she has asked me to bring her Rosetta cake to school on Wednesday so that she can share it with her classmates.

Joey is surviving the first weeks back at school and has impressed me with his organization...not one of his strong suits, but he really seems to be on top of everything (no small feat for a man that wears so many hats) and I am thrilled for him! He has restarted his exercise program and is endeavoring to make HIMSELF a top priority...something that is hard for him (he's such a giver), but it's time to put himself first for a change! I am very proud of him and am always so thankful for how well he cares for our family.

I, too, am doing well...practicing yoga daily to combat pregnancy aches and pains and glad to be hitting the final stretch of this journey with only 10 weeks left to go...perhaps fewer if the baby takes pity on me! :)

Probably the biggest blessing (aside from the good news from my doctors this morning) of the week is that we were able to get the manufacturer of our defective HVAC coil to replace it for free even though it was not under warranty. This is the 3rd coil we have had leak in the last 8 months, so although we will have to pay for the labor to have it installed, we are very thankful to get the part for free.

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