Sunday, November 01, 2009

Pixie Politeness

The girls had a blast Trick-or-Treating this year dressed as fairies - Tinkerbell and Rosetta. They always remembered to use their "Pixie Politeness" as Cassidy called it, saying thank you for the treats they received! :)

The girls with Dora the Explorer, aka Auntie Jenn. Cassidy told her, "That's a GREAT costume!" She was VERY impressed.

Showing off their fairy ballet moves.

Our Little Tinkerbell

Sweet Rosetta

SOOOOOOOOOOOOO excited to be going Trick-or-Treating

Come on guys, let's GO!!!

Flying through the air like a real fairy!

Hmmmm, what to choose...

Lily running to the next house.

Look what I got!

Walking up the sidewalk side by side.

Lily insisted on showing us all her loot at each house!

Hand-in-Hand...melts my heart!

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