Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Holiday Fun!

We are having the most wonderful Christmas vacation ever! Joey has 2 weeks off from school and for the first time in years we are not traveling during the holidays. We've made Christmas candy and cookies, had family game nights and movie nights, played basketball with our new kid-sized goal, and spent lots of time snuggling with each of our 3 little loves. What could be better?!?!
Finn all dressed up for his dedication.

Finn's Dedication (December 13, 2009)

The girls enjoying a bubble bath after a busy day making Christmas candy!

The family together on Christmas our jammies!
Mema gave the girls some new dress-up dresses for Christmas.

Cassidy's looked a bit too much like a wedding dress for Daddy's taste! :)

Finn playing with his toys. He especially likes to look at himself in the mirror. He rolled over the day after Christmas and continues to grow like a weed!

Cassidy lost her pants while trying to crawl under the trick-a-ma-stick...a prop that is part of the Cat in the Hat: I Can Do That! game from Peepaw and Nana!

Lily stepping HIGH over the trick-a-ma-stick.

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