Thursday, March 25, 2010

Farm Days

Today we attended NCSU's Farm Days with Lily's Ready to Learn class. The kids had a blast seeing all the animals!

Checking out the turkeys


SOOOOOO excited to be here!

What a fluffy bunny! (It's an Angora Bunny and its ears were especially fluffy!)

Lily petting the bunny

Think he's posed for a picture or two in his life? :)

Taking a peek at the baby chicks

Petting the sheep (It had been sheared on 1/2 its body...I guess to show kids a "before and after," but it looked a little strange.)

Petting the baby goat

Farmer Cassidy testing out some equipment

Bennett made sure he tried every knob, lever, and button. :)

Lily petting a baby chick. She tried to hold it but said it was scratching her! :)

Cassidy tenderly holding her chick.

Cassidy and Bennett visiting with "The Cow!" Lily was as far away from him as she could get! :)

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