Thursday, May 20, 2010

FBC Preschool Graduation

Cassidy's preschool held its graduation ceremony today for the 4-year-old classes. The kids sang for us and received certificates and then we all enjoyed a reception. It was a fun day and we were so glad that we got to share it with our family!

The Monkeys all dressed up for graduation!

Our Growing Family :)

We were so blessed that Grandma and Grandpa came up to celebrate with us!

Helping Cassidy get into her cap and gown

The Graduate


I can't believe how grown up she looks!

Marching into the sanctuary to "Pomp and Circumstance."

Cassidy chewed on her tassle during the ceremony, which caused her cap to look like this!

Receiving her certificate

Cassidy and Mrs. Lisa (Cassidy adores Mrs. Lisa...she has been such a blessing to us this year as she has encouraged and loved our little girl!)

Cassidy and Mrs. Colbourn (Such an amazing teacher. She has been SO patient this year and loving, understanding all of Cassidy's little quirks and helping her grow. Cassidy
loves her and I will miss hearing her call "Hey, Ladybug!" every morning when we arrive at school.)

Gran came to share in all the monkeys LOVE him!!!

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