Wednesday, May 05, 2010

Preschool Mother's Day Lunch

Today, I joined Cassidy at preschool for a Mother's Day lunch. It was a wonderful opportunity for us to spend some one-on-one time together...a rare treat these days in our busy household!

Some beautiful gifts awaited me at the table...a card, a bookmark, a handpainted picture frame with a drawing of me inside, and a corsage with Cassidy's picture inside. There was also a picture that Cassidy drew of us hanging on the wall...we picked it up as we left. The students were supposed to draw a picture of them and their mommy doing something fun. Cassidy's caption read, "I like getting clean in the shower with Mommy..." Hmmm, I wonder what her teachers thought of that!

The kids also performed 3 songs for us, all about mommies! :)

When did my baby get so big?!?!

Enjoying our YUMMY lunch

Me and My First Baby

Cassidy and her teacher, Mrs. Colborn

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