Thursday, June 24, 2010

Lily's 1st Trip to the Dentist

Lily had her 1st dentist appointment yesterday. Apparently, going to the dentist is the MOST exciting thing about turning 3...she's been talking about it for months! :) The hygenist was really sweet and patient. Lily was a wiggly, but very friendly and cooperative patient...she kept sitting up during the cleaning, but I think that was a combination of being too small for the chair (so she was practically hanging upside down) and the excitement of getting a toy when the appointment was over! :)

The hygenist let her practice brushing using the giant teeth and toothbrush. She talked to the teeth like they were a patient, "We're almost finished, sir!" She also told the hygenist that she wanted to be a dentist's assistant when she grew up! :)

Except for a small crossbite which will probably correct itself, her smile checked out perfectly...why wouldn't it??? Look how beautiful!

The hygenist also had cute sunglasses for her to wear during the exam to keep the bright light out of her eyes.

Chillin' in the dentist's chair

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