Wednesday, June 09, 2010

Lily's 3rd Birthday

Lily's Cheer Bear Cake

The Birthday Girl

Opening presents from Mema and Gran, a fairy costume...

...and a Tinkerbell Ready-bed!

Posing with her cake

Kissing Cheer Bear

You have NEVER seen a child more excited to have "Happy Birthday" sung to her! Bless her sweet, little heart! :)

Blowing out the candles. She said she wished that Daddy would not have to go back to school ever again. Awww!

Chowing down on some cake! YUM!!!

Hey, Mom, where's MY cake?!?!

Cassidy enjoying a piece of birthday cake

Lily with her birthday banner...we made it as a family. :)

All smiles as she tests out her new Tinkerbell bed!

LOVE that big, beautiful smile!!!!

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