Thursday, October 13, 2011

34 x 2

Joey and John celebrated their 34th birthday last weekend. Our families haven't been together for their birthday in, well, ever, so it was really fun to hang out and eat cake with each other.

HAD to do something cool (and easy) for our boys' birthday cake.

"Happy Birthday, Uncle John and Daddy....Daddy and Uncle Joey...TWIIIIINSSS! Happy Birthday to you!"

Joey scored some tickets for all of us to go see Scotty's album release/birthday concert at Walnut Creek. I made my family bring all those jackets...I NEVER get the weather right and we are often dressed inappropriately.

Waiting for the concert to begin

Cassidy and Daddy...Cassidy was NOT thrilled with all the noise...she's had this sensitivity to loud noises (unless she is making them, of course) since she was little...she doesn't like fireworks and often covers her ears in the movie theater.

Handsome his big boy underpants! :) BTW, he hasn't had a nighttime accident in over a week and is now pooping pretty consistently on the potty. He did have a poop accident this morning, but I gave him a bunch of fresh figs last night so I think I have to take the blame for that one...DEFINITELY over-fibered him.

Sweet Buggy

The whole gang

Gracie Lou

There was a huge crowd there to support our hometown boy. :)

Finn didn't make it through the concert...

...he completely passed out...

...and so did Connor!

Elizabeth and I paid for it with our backs. :)

We spent the rest of the day playing at the park, eating, and MAYBE we accidentally broke into a house. We managed to make a clean getaway so I'd say that was a successful birthday.

In other news, last week Lily's preschool class was invited to watch a Highway Patrol rescue training.

It was H-O-T that day, so although they were excited, the quickly wilted onto the pavement.

The rescue came complete with helicopter...pretty cool.

Lily, Hannah, Finn, and Cassidy

Lily with her best buds, Hannah and Kayleigh

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