Tuesday, February 21, 2012

What's Up In Our World?

Lots actually...but I've gotten very little on film. Here are a couple of things I managed to capture from the past week:

Lily was the world's cutest Valentine!

Of course, the other two couldn't stand to be left out of a photo opp!

We hit storytime for some fun. Finn loves the puzzles at the library as much as he loves our weekly time with Mrs. Sarah.

I FINALLY got a haircut..only took me 10 months to make an appointment. AHHHH, relief!!! I think she removed at least 10 pounds of hair...I feel so light! :)

Joey surprised us all with Valentine candy. He was so pleased with himself when I confirmed that THIS was the largest box of chocolates I'd ever received!

Finny got a much needed haircut, too. He's no longer the shaggy dog! This is his growly face, BTW.

Daddy's been working LOTS of late nights in recent weeks. When he was MIA (working at the basketball game) again Friday night, we treated ourselves to dinner and playtime at Mickey D's...courtesy of a really awesome friend! :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

WHAT A BLESSING!!!!!A healthy baby boy. Yea, for Finn!!! Now he will have a buddy, too. God is SO GOOD.

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