Saturday, April 14, 2012

A Day at the Zoo

We spent Easter Sunday at the zoo. Originally we planned to go on Thursday or Friday of Spring Break week, but rained threatened both days so we opted for Sunday instead. It was a great day to go...the weather was beautiful and since it was Easter it wasn't crowded. We planned to leave by 3:00 p.m., but carting 3 kids - 2 of whom had cameras in hand and insisted on photographing everything...including leaves and trashcans! - along the 5 miles of zoo pathways proved to take longer than expected. We were looking at the otters when we realized we had 20 minutes until closing time so we raced through the rest of North America and ran to catch the last shuttle back to our car! Joey and I were exhausted, but it was a wonderful day that we will never forget!

Our 3 little stair steps headed into the zoo
Finn riding the elephant statue

It was so funny to see what interested them the most. The elephants were SO close that morning and Joey and I were yelling, "Look you guys! The elephants are having breakfast! Their drinking water with their trunks!" And our kids were taking 50 pictures of snake sculpture on a rock, which apparently was WAY more fascinating than the LIVE elephants standing just several yards away! :)

Taking a helicopter ride

Climbing the rhino

Photo opp

Playing hopscotch

Taking pictures of the dung beetles... my children are obsessed with poop.

The gorillas are one of my favorite stops.

This chimp cracked us up...hope he's comfortable.

Beautiful Mama

Family photo with the T-Rex in the new Dinosaur exhibit...miraculously, everyone is looking at the camera!

Finn, the T-Rex tamer, attempts placing his head in the dinosaur's mouth without getting it bitten off by those powerful jaws!

The kids loved seeing the fossils on display, esp. this dinosaur toenail!

Riding the giant bumblebee

A couple free minutes on the playground before running to the next exhibit!

Our Lilybug on a Ladybug

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