Sunday, April 22, 2012

Family Time

Family time is precious at our house. Between school schedules, work, and other commitments, it's becoming more and more rare to have everyone in the same place at the same time. And then exhaustion tries to get the better of us and pin us to the couch for the afternoon. One of the things Joey and I have been discussing over the past few days is how to get better quality out of our limited quantity of time, both as a couple and as a family. The answer is fairly simple - less vegetating, more interacting and working together. Some days that may just mean everyone helping to straighten the garage or clean the house, but yesterday our family project required a bit of a green thumb.

Daddy and Cassidy digging a hole for our new ground cover. It's called Lilyturf! :)

Finn couldn't find his flip flops so he arrived wearing tap shoes!

Everyone loved helping scoop the dirt...

...and getting as dirty as possible!

Despite still having a touch of fever, Lily got into the action.

Planting some herbs and veggies...I hope I can keep them alive!

By this point, I think they just wanted to play in the dirt!

Cassidy and our new plant boxes. We have basil, rosemary, basil, grape tomatoes, peppers, and jalapenos.

Later that afternoon we were rewarded for our hard work with a beautiful rainbow.

By that point, Finn was naked...

...Cassidy was wearing a bike helmet as a rain hat...

...and Lily was having her very own umbrella parade since she missed her preschool one on Friday!

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