Tuesday, April 03, 2012

New Experiences

As part of their Christmas present this year, the grandparents each agreed to pay for a month's tuition for an activity of the girls' choosing. Lily's been begging for at least a year to go to gymnastics, so that was a no brainer. When we asked Cassidy what she'd like to try I really expected her to say dance or gymnastics, but she immediately chose karate. I was pleased and relieved. Karate seemed to be a good idea for her...lots of discipline and structure...and I was glad to see the girls branching out and finding their own interests.

We decided to wait until Cassidy's spring track out to start their activities, so last Wednesday I took Cassidy to try a class at Redfield Martial Arts. The class was for 4-6 year olds of all skill levels. All but one of the other students in the class already had their orange or green belt, so most of these kids had lots of experience. The class moved fast and although they were kind to Cassidy and occasionally gave her some guidance, she had to work really hard to keep up and figure out what they were doing. And work hard she did. I was concerned that the class might become frustrating for her, but she kept working hard and trying every minute of class with a smile on her face. And after it was all over she raved about how much she loved it and could not wait to go back!

I couldn't help but notice that the class that was preparing to start after the 4-6 year olds seemed to be a beginner class...they all had white belts on. When we got home, I checked the studio's schedule on the computer and sure enough it was a 7-12 year old beginner class. I called to see if Cassidy could try that class instead...even though she is not quite 7 yet, she would be with students who were closer to her experience and skill level. The instructor kindly allowed us to come try that class last night and sure enough it was a great fit! The class moved more slowly through the basic kicks, blocks, and punches. They talked about the meanings of the various karate terms they were using and all the students got more detailed and personal instruction. Cassidy worked as hard as she did during her first class and I saw improvement in her motions and understanding of what was expected of her. She especially loved yelling, "Ke-YAH!" when she was kicking and punching. I am so proud of her work ethic and determination to succeed at something that isn't necessarily easy for her. I wish I could have taken pictures, but the studio is small and it's very quiet during class, so I didn't want to disturb with my camera's noises! :)

Lily's first gymnastics class was this morning. Lily is a natural athlete and is built like a little gymnast, so we were kind of prepared to see her excel at the sport. But to watch her in action this morning almost made my heart skip a beat. She is good. Which is silly to say after one class...a preschool level class...where some of the students would get distracted halfway through the circuit and start spinning in circles...and where they are teaching the most rudimentary and basic of gymnastics skills...but still. She moved and carried herself like a gymnast, sometimes before they even told her what to do. She just seems to get it. It will be fun to watch her grow in the sport should she choose to continue.

Waiting for class to start on her mat...she chose pink, of course!

Lily's Class

Warming Up

This was her first timid attempt on the trampoline. I'm not sure if it was because she's never really been on one before or if she was imitating the kids who had gone before her. (Actually I think this picture is capturing her "stick and finish," but she barely jumped at all!)

The next go-round her teacher asked for big tuck jumps and this is what Lily gave her...and her teacher responded with, "WOAH! Those are some good jumps!"

Crawling across the ladder

Balance beam

They also walked the beam sideways and backwards...and every part of the circuit was to end with a "stick and finish." Lily kept saying the terms out loud to herself as she did them. :)

Practicing cartwheels...

...and the beginnings of a back handspring.

They were supposed to hang - arms extended - in a tuck position for 5 counts, but my girl hung in almost a full pull-up! :)
We are very excited for the girls to have these new experiences and are very blessed that each seems to have found something that they really love. We may have to see if our wallet and our schedule can handle allowing them to continue past their trial run. :)

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