Wednesday, August 08, 2012

Lily's First Day of Kindergarten

Lily has been excitedly anticipating kindergarten since sometime in the spring. On Monday she finally got to walk into Rand Road Elementary, side by side with her big sister, as a student and not as a visitor. She was beyond thrilled! The whipped cream and cherry on top is that she has Cassidy's kindergarten teacher, Mrs. C. Jones (not to be confused with Mrs. K. Jones who is also a kindergarten teacher), and her best friend Hannah is in her class. I think that's a recipe for a pretty awesome year.

Our Big Girl

She was rarin' to go!

Sporting her new fairies backpack

With Finny...who as you can see was headed to the pool after drop-off!

Three of the four monkeys

My Boys

Lily with Baby Eli

Lily and Hannah settling into class

Lily with her teacher (actually a sub...Mrs. Jones in on maternity leave, enjoying her baby girl for a couple more weeks!)

Finn insisted on having his picture taken outside the school on the bench!

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