Friday, September 14, 2012

Rand Road Run 2012

Yesterday the girls participated in their school's annual fun run that emphasizes fitness and raises money for the school. The school hired a company to organize the fun run and although I cringed when I heard the percentage of our profits that they were taking, I must admit it was the most fun Rand Road Run I'd ever attended. Their was lots of music and cheering and dancing...the fun run team kept everyone pumped up!

Cassidy waiting for the fun run to begin.

Cassidy running through the tunnel...each class/team name was announced as they ran through the tunnel and we all cheered.

Lily dancing while she waits

Lily running through the tunnel...she sprinted the entire time she was on the track!

And they're off!

Cassidy running her laps

The Smiling Lap...seriously, that's what they called it!

The Lord of the Dance Lap (Lily and Hannah)

Lily graciously took a break from running to walk a lap with her brother.

Mema and Lily...Mema had a hard time keeping up with her.

Gran and Finn

Cassidy and Mema

"I throw my hands up in the air sometimes, sayin' hey oh, come on let go!"

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