Thursday, December 09, 2010

Turkey Day 2010

As usual, we spend Turkey Day with the Bolton family. It is my favorite day of the year because it is the one day of the year where my entire family is all together in one place (except for Mark and Wendy...miss you!). Each year is better than the last as the newest generation of cousins grows closer and closer...I love seeing them play together and enjoy each other the way we used to...and still do! :)

Watching the Thanksgiving Day Parade (A MUST!!!)
Lily, Sam, Cassidy

All dolled up for T-Day...Cassidy was NOT in the mood for pictures.
(Sam, Lily, Cassidy)

Our Family

Kisses from Great-Gran...melt my heart!!!
(I was amazed and thrilled that my 93 year old grandfather was able to hold my little linebacker!)

Finny with Cousin Deaven...D was SO good with him and he LOVED all the attention!!!

Me and MY Cousins
(Becky, Me, Ashley)

Sam and Cassidy riding bikes

Drawing with Gran

WOAH! Aren't you a little big for the teeter-totter, Mema?!?!

Just hangin' around

The Bolton Matriarch and Patriarch with their children
(Mema, Gran, Mom, Sue, Stafford, Monk)

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