Friday, December 10, 2010

Winter Weekend at the Beach

My Asian sister, otherwise known as Auntie Jenn, invited for a fun beach weekend. Our condo was amazing and we had so much fun hanging out together!

I went looking for the kids and this is where I found the closet!

Joey sliced part of his thumb off while cutting veggies on the first night...he says he now knows what Aron Ralston felt like...because knicking your thumb while slicing veggies in a fancy condo is the same as getting stuck in a remote canyon with your arm pinned by a huge boulder and then having to cut your own hand off to escape!

There was no indoor pool, but the girls sure loved the jacuzzi tub...Finn did NOT!!!

Chowing on breakfast...I feel like I feed this child constantly! His first word to me each morning is, "More!" as in, "Get me MORE food!"

The view from our window.

Snuggling with Daddy

We REALLY wanted to go on this slide, but it was closed for the season.

On the way down to the beach

Finn quickly found the sand and then couldn't decide if he was mad, wet and cold or happy digging in the sand.

Cassidy did not feel the cold...she would have wallowed in the sand if we had let her!

Lily was a little more cautious.

Somebody pick me up!!!

Family Time
Not Friend...FAMILY

She said she was making a Daddy Angel...awwww!

Me, Joey, and THE THUMB

Despite the cold, the girls and I hit the hot tub!

Me and My Favorite Girls

The girls and the gator in the kid play shoots water out of its mouth and tail. This place would be SO fun in the summer!

Finn finally crashed still holding his bottle...he'd partied WAY too hard! :)

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