Friday, February 04, 2011

My Net

I read this post recently and it made me think about the amazing people that I am blessed to have in my life...the ones who have seen me at my best and at my absolute worst...and love me anyway. These people are my refuge, my soft place to fall, my cheerleaders, and they make life all the sweeter with their love and laughter. This is MY NET.

My husband whose comedy routines keep me in stitches even after 14 years. He's stuck with me through the good, the bad, the ugly, and the downright disgusting...even piles of warm, fresh vomit spewed all over the house haven't managed to extinguish our love for each other and out life together.

My Parents...I am one of the fortunate kids whose parents have stuck together. My mom and dad have always shown me unconditional love and support. Even after 32 years, they still continue to look out for their first-born baby. :)

My Sisters...I completely understood when Jo March (Little Women) said, "I'll never love anyone as I love my sisters." I have no idea how people make it through life without one...or in my case, two. They were my first friends and are now my best friends. I am so thankful we have each other.

My Cousins....
...and my aunts and uncles. They truly have been my soft place to fall. I am so blessed to be a member of such a close and loving family.

Jess and BFFs from ECU. We've seen each other through some of the happiest and most difficult times in our lives. They know me in ways that no one else does and they love me in spite of all my shortcomings...and they make me laugh longer and harder than anyone else! They are not friends...they are family!

My very best friend from high school. We were kids together. We have grown up together. She's known me longer than any other friend. She knew me when I was 14, boy-crazy, and very silly...I think I've finally outgrown the boy-crazy. :) We've had sleepovers, swings at the park, and shared many secrets. We've celebrated graduations, weddings, and births. She'll always be my unbiological sister. :)

 My brother and, fun, energetic, and enthusiastic. They have driven up for each of our children's births...dropping everything to celebrate our "birth day" and to help take care of the other kiddos. They are some of the most kind-hearted and giving people I have ever known. I pray we can show them as much love and support as they've shown us.

My Mother-in-law (aka Grandma) of the MOST tenderhearted people I have ever known. I love that we are friends...not just family. I love our long talks, listening to her read to and play with the kids, and her smile that warms me from the inside out. She's the best! :)

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