Thursday, March 03, 2011

Thoroughly Modern Lily

Two years ago the high school fine arts department performed Cinderella for their spring musical. Joey took Cassidy to see the show for their very first Daddy/Daughter date. Lily was 20 months old at the time and although she was much too young to go and enjoy the show, she was more than a little ticked that she was left out of all the fun. Ever since she has been asking, "When do I get to have a Daddy/Daughter date?"

Last night it was finally her turn. The high school is presenting Thoroughly Modern Millie this year - one of my favorite shows - so Lily got all dolled up for a night of musical theater with Daddy.

 She was beside herself with excitement to go to the "movie" with Daddy. I explained that it was a musical play...and she did understand that it was a live performance...but she kept calling it a movie anyway! :)

 All smiles on her big night!

 The girls posing together...this seems to be Lily's new pose...not sure what it's all about! :)

My Monkeys

We met Daddy at the school because he had a tennis match...he didn't have time to change into his "theater attire" but we did bring him some snacks so he didn't starve during the show! :)

 Miss Lily and her Prince Charming
(She was SO excited she couldn't even bother to say goodbye. She was too busy chattering as she dragged Joey by the hand towards the school!)

 Treats from the vending machine...equally as exciting as the show! :)

 I LOVE that my girls have already developed a love of music and musical theater! :)

 Joey said she seemed to really enjoy the show...but it was long and she drifted off about 10 minutes before it ended. :)

In the lobby at intermission, Lily gave her rendition of the dance steps from the show! Below is a video of her impromptu performance...LOVE IT!!!


Kristy said...

I love that Lily! Such a special memory for Joey and for Lily! Plus it makes me smile knowing your girls love that stage as much as we did :). Love you Horse-Sense!

Anonymous said...

WOW! That Lily can bring out the smiles in her grandma!! So happy Her turn finally came! It is super that they are developing an interest in the theater and musicals at this early age. Thanks for making sure that they are exposed to these type of the arts!!!!

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