Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Happy Preschool Graduation, Lilybug!

FBC's 4-year-old classes officially graduated preschool this morning. It's always a little bittersweet. We are excited (Lily especially) to be starting kindergarten, but we will miss the loving teachers, the welcoming classrooms, the dear friends, and the Christian mindset of FBC. 

Daddy helping Lily into her cap and gown

The Graduate
Excited would be an understatement!

The Monkeys

Best Buddies
Group hug!

Mommy and Lily
(Goodness, the baby almost covers Lily completely...and he's still got 2 months to grow! YIKES!)

Our Family of 6

What an exciting surprise to wake up this morning and find out Grandma was here! :)
Daddy's Girl

Where did the time go?

Everyone HAD to get a picture with Daddy.

Here come the graduates!

All smiles!

Finn decided that 4:45 a.m. was an appropriate time to start the day, so by 10:30 a.m. he was pooped!

Lily receiving her certificate

We were surprised and thrilled when Mema and Gran made it back from Greenville in time to join us at graduation! :)

Lily was on the back row of graduates, so it was hard to see her during the ceremony. I couldn't wait to get home and see the videos Joey took of all the songs the kids performed...and then the hormones took over and the tears spilled all over the keyboard as I soaked in her enthusiasm and sweet expressions. I am so incredibly thankful that Lily had the opportunity to participate in such a wonderful preschool program. I am already looking forward to the day when it's Finn's turn to join the ranks of FBC preschoolers!

In unrelated news, Cassidy has a piece of artwork displayed at our local bank.

Of course, we had to stop in for a photo opp!

Cassidy's Spider Web

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