Sunday, May 20, 2012

Mother's Day Love

Lily was very upset that we wouldn't be home for Mother's Day, which meant the kids couldn't give me my annual breakfast in bed. So instead she made a variety of play doh cookies to express her love! :)

My sweet girl has such a beautiful heart.

Mother's Day Tea at Preschool...a beautiful table set by the teachers with lots of gifts from the heart from our little loves.

Lily was SO excited and insisted on dressing up. She even wanted to wear a fancy necklace, so I caved and let her borrow one of mine...she chose one with pearls because they are our birthstones. :)

CHEESIN' and enjoying her lunch

With Little Brother

With Mommy

Later in the week Cassidy performed with some other selected 1st graders in the Rand Road Spring Concert. The 1st graders played instruments to accompany a reading of "Peter and the Wolf." Cassidy played the part of the cat! :)

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