Friday, October 10, 2014

Happy Birthday, Daddy!

Joey's birthday was on Tuesday and the kids wanted to make his day extra special. In addition to making him some special surprises, they all insisted on purchasing him a gift with their own money when we went to Target to buy him some super-exciting, new socks from Mommy, Eli, and Emerson. We also got him peanut butter cookie mix and chocolate icing that we used to make a kick-ass cookie cake, so maybe that makes up for the sock thing. :)

The best part of the whole evening was watch my tenderhearted husband tear up after seeing the thoughtful gifts the kids had purchased. The gifts - while very nice - paled in comparison to the love behind them. We have really great kids. They are just the best. We are very blessed.

Cassidy and Lily before their concert last week. Nothing to do with the birthday celebration, but so cute! :)

The kids each made Joey a garden stone with their hand or footprint and decorated it with a rock design that they came up with themselves. OK, so maybe I helped Emerson a little with hers. ;)

Eli's stone...I had to keep running him off because to him this looked like a giant mud pie!

Cassidy tried to make her hand into a you see her water and bubbles? The green shape at the top is supposed to be a turtle.

Finn's cool collection of stones. I had to stop him...he wanted to add more!

Lily's stone takes a little explaining. She says that if you turn it sideways, her design makes a "C" for Cubs because Daddy is a huge Chicago Cubs fan. :)

Opening presents...a new loofah from Cassidy.

Candy and other snacks from Lily

Funshine Bear even made an appearance at Joey's party...we spare no expense for birthdays! ;)

A new flashlight from Finn

A rare family photo...and our first since Emerson was born! :)

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