Sunday, February 24, 2008


Yes, our girls are growing and changing every day. Most of the time, the changes are good, but this past week was a little different. Cassidy came down with a flu-like virus (she tested negative for the flu, but had many of the same symptoms). This really is the first time in her entire life she has been sick, aside from the occassional cold or spring allergies. She also threw up for the first time (and second time, and third time...)...that was a fun clean-up. :) After lots of prayer and lots of rest she is on the mend and hopefully we won't have a repeat of this week for a long time! :)

A rare shot of our girls playing together. I try so hard to catch their playtime on film...Cassidy is so cute as she tries to entertain Lily and Lily is wild with excitement to have her big sister's attention...but as soon as they see the camera, of course, they stop. :)

Whenever Lily is wearing an outfit that belonged to Cassidy, it really hits me how big she is getting. She is pulling up on everything and motoring up and down the couch. She claps, waves, gives high fives, sings along, and dances if you are singing or if music is playing. She barks like a dog and says "DaDa," "Mama," "Hi," "Bye-Bye," and "No-No." She gives kisses and zerberts your cheek. At the dinner table, she grabs my shirt and tugs on it to get my attention and indicate that she wants more food. She is NOT interested in baby food...she wants the food off of our plates...and she will spit the baby food at you if you put it in her mouth. I have been showered quite a few times!

Lily eating her first teething biscuit. She's working on tooth #3, upper left, and we're hoping it breaks through overnight!

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