Wednesday, March 05, 2008

To teach is to touch a life forever...

Cassidy (and Lily and I) attend a weekly preschool class at one of our local elementary schools. The program is funded by a Ready to Learn grant and we have been incredibly blessed by the wonderful learning opportunities that have been provided to us.

Cassidy loves her teacher, Mrs. Mitchell, dearly, so it was no surprise that she was looking confused and concerned when we arrived at school today and Mrs. Mitchell was not there. Mrs. Carter (one of the other teachers) and I reminded her that Mrs. Mitchell had told us she would not be in class today, but that she would be back next week. The explanantion seemed to satisfy her and she went about her normal routine, checking herself in by putting her name on the attendance tree, taking off her jacket, and playing with some of her favorite toys.

Miss Jenny, who has been observing our class as a student teacher, taught class today. She is sweet and kind and worked very hard to engage all the eager, wiggling toddlers. Even still, I wasn't sure how Cassidy felt about the day - change can be unsettling for children, and Cassidy often does not respond well to a change to her normal routine.

Often at the end of the day I ask Cassidy, "What was your favorite thing that we did today?" Tonight at bathtime the conversation went something like this:

Me: So Cassidy, what was your favorite part of school today?
Cassidy: Playing with Miss Jenny.
Me: You liked playing with Miss Jenny?
Cassidy (huge smile): Yes. Miss Jenny is a BEAUTIFUL teacher!
Me: Yes Cassidy, Miss Jenny IS a beautiful teacher.

So, to all the Miss Jennys in the world who touch the lives of children everyday...we say thank you. Please know your efforts are not in vain. You DO make a difference!

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