Sunday, March 16, 2008

Garner Easter Egg Hunt

On Saturday, we took the girls to the annual Garner Easter Celebration at Lake Benson. The morning included kite flying, music, clowns, balloon animals, bouncing rides, and egg hunt, and for us, a picnic lunch. Highlights for Cassidy - meeting the Easter bunny and, of course, the Easter Egg Hunt. Highlights for Lily - dancing to the music!

Meeting the Easter Bunny - Cassidy LOVED it...Lily did NOT!

Cassidy would have spent the whole day hugging the Easter Bunny. Before seeing him, she kept telling me that she was going to give him a big hug and a kiss. After meeting him, she talked about how soft and fuzzy he was!

Lily dancing to the Silly Hamster Song

Coloring our family kite
Taking the kite out for a test fly

Run, Cassidy, run!!!
Lily and Daddy with the kite

Daddy Kisses

Blowing dandelions...our new favorite pastime

Lily hunting her first Easter Eggs
Cassidy and Weston showing off their loot

Lily and Cassidy checking out each other's eggs

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