Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Nine Months Old

Here are the girls' comparative 9-month stats. Lily is definately our lightweight, although I think the fact that she has had ear infections for the last 3+ weeks has affected her weight. She is just not eating very much right now.

Please keep Lily in your prayers. At her appointment today, after 10 days of antibiotic, her ears still have not healed, so we are now on 10 more days of a different antibiotic. I suspected that her ears were still bothering her when she finished the antibiotic last Saturday and almost immediately started fussing at bedtime again. We know God is much greater than any little ear infection, so we continue to pray for her complete healing. :)

Lily Anne Walls
19 pounds, 50th percentile
27 inches, 25th percentile
Cassidy Grace Walls
20 pounds, 75th percentile
28 1/2 inches, 85th percentile

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