Monday, July 21, 2008

Can you tell me how to get to Sesame Street?

Our house if buzzing with excitement this week as we prepare to visit our favorite furry monsters at Sesame Place. We leave next Monday and Cassidy is already beside herself. She keeps wanting to know how many days until we leave and has been telling us that she is going to have her picture taken with Cookie Monster and that she is going to give Elmo a hug and kiss. Lily, of course, has no idea what is going on, but loves the Sesame Street characters as much as her big sister, so I am sure she will be squealing with delight to see them (although she may perfer them to stay at a distance!).

We decided to do a family trip this year instead of big birthday parties for the girls...and I think Joey and I are even more excited than the girls as we anticipate our first major family trip. Before we can party on Sesame Street, we have to survive an 8-hour car ride (yes, we plan to stop as much as needed along the way to avoid any highway meltdowns), so if we come to mind on Monday, please say a prayer for safe, peaceful travel with no screaming and crying (from the children OR the parents!). :)

Also, I plan to post pictures each evening from the hotel, so check back to see all the fun!

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