Friday, August 01, 2008

Sesame Place Journal (July 28, 2008)

I know I had promised pictures earlier in the week of our trip, but the Internet was down at the hotel...and I didn't have time or energy to load them anyway! :) I'm working on adding pictures, using the world's slowest computer, so hopefully some will be up soon. In the meantime, here is the first part of my journal. Joey and I both journaled during the trip and I am using our thoughts in scrapbooks for the girls.

11:15 a.m. - We left the house at 5:00 a.m. for our first leg of our Sesame Place trip. Thirty minutes into the car ride Cassidy asked if we were at Sesame Place yet! The girls napped only briefly, but were both smiling and cheerful. We stopped in Richmond to have breakfast with Great-Gran and Great-Mema at the Masonic Home. Cassidy and Lily were glad to stretch their legs, get some food, and visit with their great-grandparents. Lily even went to Mema, arms outstretched, to be picked up. Mema, of course, obliged the request. Gran tried to entertain them with his dancing and singing toys, but the girls were terrified. Lily screamed and cried and Cassidy said she wanted to go home! We said our goodbyes and got back on the raod about 10:00 a.m. Lily promptly fell asleep (she didn't sleep well last night) and Cassidy is watching Finding Nemo. Next stop will be lunch. We're making good time and looking forward to swimming this afternoon at the hotel.

Monday Evening - We had a GREAT car ride. The girls were so well-behaved. We watched movies, read books, and rested. We drove on the outskirts of Washington DC so we could see the capital building, Pentagon, and Washington Monument. We planned to stop for lunch at a rest area, but never found one, so we stopped at a McDonalds. We ate Mickey D's fries and leftover pizza and the girls played in the play place. Lily even crawled in the tunnels. A couple of hours later we made it to the hotel, which is really nice. We got settled in our room and went for a quick swim before dinner. The water was freezing but Cassidy was SO happy! We tried to be good sports for her. Soon it was bedtime. Everyone was cranky so it took a bit of time to settle down. After that everyone slept blissfully except for one incident at 10:00 p.m. Cassidy had to use the bathroom and then was upset and crying. Miraculously, Lily slept through the whole thing.

Tuesday Morning - Everyone was awake at 6:30 a.m., so we dressed and had a great breakfast courtesy of the hotel - eggs, sausage, toast, bagels, muffings, yogart, hash browns, waffles, juice, cereal! Now we are packing up to leave for the park, while the girls play with their toys. They have been playing beautifully together. I can't wait to get to Sesame Place!

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