Sunday, August 03, 2008

Sesame Place Journal (July 31, 2008)

10:56 a.m. - Everyone slept well last night. We had breakfast, took showers, packed up and are now on the road (in Delaware). The girls napped briefly, but a pit-stop for gas woke them up. They are watching Elmo's Potty Time - they only want to watch Sesame Street videos!

THURSDAY EVENING - The drive home went as well as can be expected, considering the distance we traveled and how tired we all were. We hit two traffic jams. The first was just outside of DC. It was lunch time anyway, so we got off the road and ate at Wendy's The girls were in pretty good moods and behaved well. The traffic was flowing again by the time we got back on the road. Lily slept again, but Cassidy never did doze. She watched videos. When we hit the NC line, we stopped at a rest area to stretch. The girls liked being able to run around outside and we all had a snack. Lily managed to find the only dog poop on the premises and pick it up - TWICE!!! She got really mad when I took it away and then cleaned her hand!

Back in the car for our final two hours, we hit our second traffic jam as we were getting close to Rocky Mount. By this time the girls were getting really crabby and Joey and I were delirious with exhaustion. I'm not sure how it started, but suddenly we were all doing our best "wookie calls" to see who could sound most like our friend, John, from Applebee's. We were all rolling with laughter and this activity entertained us for a bit.

We finally rolled into our driveway at 8:00 p.m. The girls played while we unpacked. Then it was bedtime. Lily dropped right off to sleep. Cassidy had one final tantrum - she was just too tired - so she screamed herself to sleep, which didn't take very long. Joey and I, dropped into bed, happy to be home.

FINAL THOUGHTS - I think our first family vacation was a huge success. The girls traveled well, slept soundly at the hotel, and enjoyed Sesame Place. There were some meltdowns, but that is to be expected when you undertake a big trip with little ones. Joey and I had an amazing time - experiencing it all through our children's eyes was priceless! We are already talking about going back in a couple of years and daydreaming about other places we can visit!

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