Wednesday, August 27, 2008

First Haircut

Cassidy had her first hair cut yesterday. After almost 3 years, she was looking a bit scraggly in the back, so I scheduled an appointment with my hair dresser who has been cutting my hair since I was a little girl. A few days ago Cassidy told me she didn't want a hair cut, so I changed my terminology to "trim" and she was OK with that. And in reality, a trim is what she got. We cut as little as possible. She did a great job of sitting still and listening to Brenda's instructions to "hold her head up," and she was rewarded with a lollypop for her good behavior.

Patiently awaiting her "trim"

LOOK at all that hair!

Snip, snip, snip...there goes her baby hair!

Brenda caught by my camera flash

She watched every move in the mirror. :)

My Big Girl

Cousin It (at least she'll never have to worry about female pattern baldness!)

Beautiful Girl with the Blond Curls

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