Tuesday, September 02, 2008

First Day of Preschool

Cassidy started preschool today at First Baptist Church. She was VERY excited when she woke up this morning. She chose her own outfit - new Dora the Explorer tennis shoes, khaki shorts, and the Family Camp shirt that our dear friend Jeanne gave her. I was so pleased she chose to wear that shirt today. The bible verse printed on the shirt is Ephesians 4:32, "And be ye kind one to another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God for Christ's sake hath forgiven you." Cassidy hears that verse a lot, usually after she has mauled Lily, but it was also our family's retemory verse for the week.

We arrived at school and Cassidy went right to work playing with some blocks with the other kids. I gave quick hugs and kisses and made it to the parking lot before the tears began to fall. (You would have thought I was sending her to boarding school!)

Lily and I enjoyed our special time together and before we knew it, it was time to pick up Cassidy. She was so engrossed in a puzzle when we walked in that she didn't even notice us. Finally Ms. Laura said, "Cassidy, do you see who's here?" Cassidy turned around and said, "Mommy, I'm working on my puzzle now," and turned back around! Guess she didn't miss me! :) Ms. Laura told me that Cassidy and two other students were the only ones to listen and obey the first time she asked them to go to the table, so she rewarded them with a Sweet Tart. I could not have been more proud if she had just won an Olympic gold medal - that's my girl!

On the way home, Cassidy filled us in on her day. Her favorite part of the day was "circle time" when they sang songs and read stories. She made three friends, Austin, Gabby, and Mary (the one with the red flowers on her shirt, she informed me), ate her whole lunch, played on the playground, and used the potty all by herself. I asked her if she had talked to Ms. Laura and she said that she had talked to Ms. Laura about Ms. Mitchell and dolphins. She told Ms. Laura that Ms. Mitchell was a teacher and that she had blocks like Ms. Laura's. Concerning dolphins, Cassidy told Ms. Laura that maybe when she turned three she would ride one! Wonder what Ms. Laura thought of that?!?!

All ready for the big day. She LOVES her Disney Princess lunchbox.
She looks so grown up. And strange as it may sound, she seemed different, older, when I picked her up today.

Sweet girl

Sporting her Dora the Explorer bookbag.

OK Mom, don't you think you've taken enough pictures???

Couldn't leave Lily out! She was sitting in the corner yelling "CHEESE!" throughout the entire photo shoot!

Cassidy's artwork from today. They painted their hands, which she thought was pretty cool. I confess, I teared up again when I saw those little hands captured on the paper.


Kristy said...

Ok, I am tearing up reading this! She is so grown!

Anonymous said...

A big step for Cassidy and a huge step for mommy!! I'm excited that she enjoys school so much. Where have these last three years gone?She is truly an awesome little girl and grandma loves her soooooooooo much. Thanks for sharing.

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