Monday, September 29, 2008

Wedding Belles

We attended a friend's wedding Saturday night with the girls in tow. It was a beautiful, yet simple, ceremony and reception and we all had a wonderful time. We did, however, get stuck in the mud (as did many other guests) and it took Joey and a team of men an hour to push our van out!

Lily all dolled up in her new dress. Much fancier than I would normally buy, but isn't she gorgeous?!?!

Mommy and the girls

Daddy and his girls

Cassidy took charge of the party and directed all the teenage girls to dance with her. Bless their hearts, they obeyed! She even sought out the bride and brought her to the dance floor to boogie. Our little entertainment director!

Look at that sweet face! She is having SO much fun!

Twirling with Daddy

Enjoying the action

Cassidy and her new friends danced the night away! :)

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