Monday, October 06, 2008

Jacob's Baptism

This weekend our godson, Jacob, celebrated his baptism and his first birthday. We were excited to celebrate with him and our extended Pirate family!

Will, Cassidy, and Sydney - all dressed up for the baptism

So excited to be together again! Cassidy was telling everyone we saw on Friday that she would see Sydney the next day!

Me and Jenn of my best friends!

Our family

Me and Joey

Cassidy giggling with Auntie Jenn

After the baptism - Jenn, Sydney, Will, Jessie, Jacob, Corey, Me, Joey

Will hamming it up for the camera!

Jake blowing kisses

Dressed up in tissue paper costumes

Our ECU Family - Joey, Me, Jenn, Jessie, Corey

We've been the best of friends since we met in good, old Fleming Hall!

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