Sunday, November 30, 2008

Happy Turkey Day!

Thanksgiving is probably my favorite day of the year. It is the one day every year when my entire family (except for my cousin Mark and his wife Wendy, who live in Florida) is together. Great-grandparents, Grandparents, Aunts, Uncles, and Cousins all under one roof in Chesapeake, Virginia, giving thanks for all our blessings and spending precious time together. My cousins and I have always been close, so it is wonderful to watch the special bonds that are developing between Cassidy and Lily and their cousins...all of whom are girls!

Testing out the sit-n-spin...I needed a bigger one!

Cassidy and cousin Samantha

Me and My Sisters - Jennifer, Me, Heather

Cousins - Jennifer, Me, Becky, Ashley, Heather

More Cousins - Alleigh, Katie, Samantha, Cassidy, Deaven

My Grandparents - They look good for 91, don't they?!?!

Alleigh and Cassidy at the girls' tea party

They were fast friends!

Playing with Gran

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