Friday, November 21, 2008


Here are some major highlights from today:
  • Joey's twin brother, John, passed his National Boards. Congrats, John!!!
  • My Mom passed her National Boards with flying colors! Seriously, she had the highest score of anyone I've ever known! And she TOTALLY deserved it - she worked harder than ANYONE in the history of National Boards! :)
  • Lily pee-peed on the potty!!!! We haven't been potty training her, but she has been asking to go (ie. "Poo Poo potty, Mommy!"). We go, she sits, she pretends to push, we talk a little, and she gets down. She never actually goes, but I still take her because it's great that she's showing an interest on her own - I'm sure because she wants to be like Cassidy - and I certainly don't want to squelch her enthusiasm. Anyway, this morning she said she needed to go pee pee on the potty, so we went and sat and talked and all of a sudden she peed! I'm not sure she even knew it was coming because she looked a little surprised, but Cassidy and I cheered for her and did the pee pee dance and then called Daddy who cheered for her over the phone! She was so proud and I am taking this as an indicator that potty training is going to be a breeze! :)

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