Tuesday, November 18, 2008

FBC Preschool Thanksgiving Feast

Today, Cassidy's preschool held a Thanksgiving Feast for the 3-year old classes. The highlight of the feast was a performance by the kids. They sang 3 Thanksgiving songs wearing American Indian costumes. It was SO cute! Unfortunately, Lily got sick - first in Target while we were running errands, then in the parking lot at the preschool - so Joey missed the entire performance and I barely made it. I attempted to film it for Joey, but I am not good with the camera, so the result was very shaky. I need to practice before Christmas!!!

Cassidy - and all the kids - we SO proud to be up on the stage. Cassidy called and waved to us excitedly before and after the performance! She was so thrilled that we were there to see her - what a priceless moment!

"Hi, Mommy! I love you!" she called.
Listening to directions

She played with her hat the whole time, even pulling it over her eyes during the prayer...that was after she had told Austin and Wyatt to be quiet! :)

Waiting for lunch in her Indian headress

Cassidy with her teacher, Mrs. Laura. We could not have chosen a more wonderful person to be our daughter's teacher.

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