Monday, November 10, 2008

ECU Homecoming 2008

After battling stomach bugs last week, we were excited to be on the mend and heading to Greenville on Saturday for ECU's Homecoming. The girls enjoyed the parade, despite the rain, and then we strolled around campus and Joey and I showed the girls some of our favorite places on they care! :)

We dined on a picnic lunch at at table outside of Mendenhall Student Center and witnessed a squirrel eating a dead bird. Did anyone know that squirrels were carnivorous? I thought they just ate seeds and nuts and fruit, but it was definately a bird he was consuming...feathers were flying everywhere!

The sun was shining by kickoff and we all enjoyed the game, even though the four of us were squished into two seats and surrounded by Marshall fans! The girls were troopers and even endured overtime...Joey and I couldn't bare to leave even though I had told Cassidy that when the time clock said 0:00 we could go! The Pirates were victorious in the end and we were all exhausted when we finally rolled into the driveway at 10:00 that night.

Our little cheerleaders waiting for the parade to begin

Cassidy is such a good big sister. She really does take care of Lily and try to teach her new things...when she's not attacking her. Lily adores Cassidy and tries to do everything she does...she even has to take a drink at dinner at the same time as Cassidy. They are playing more and more together without Mommy and the cutest thing lately is that they both get upset when it's Lily's naptime or bedtime. Cassidy will say, "I want Lily to come and play with me. She doesn't need to nap." Lily will cry and call for "Cassidy" and "Sissy" as I take her upstairs as she reaches out her arms for her big sister.

Sitting on the porch of Fleming Hall where Joey and I met 12 years ago

Peeking and playing in the coupola
Staring at some poor student in Mendenhall who made the mistake of sitting near the windows to eat her lunch. "Hmmmm, I think what she's eating is better than what we have!" Hope she didn't want any privacy!

Cuddling with Daddy
Puppy kisses on the nose

Lily proudly showing her Sesame Street cup

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