Monday, February 16, 2009

Fun with Fondue!

Joey surprised us with a special Valentine's Day Dinner. We had delicious chicken and steak with asparagus, roasted red pepper and gouda cheese. There were mashed potatoes, corn and butter beans, and spinach with almonds. YUM! After dinner, we had chocolate fondue for dessert. We had so much fun...and all the sugar made us more than a little silly! :)

Bring on the chocolate!

The Melting Pot's got nuttin' on us!

Lily was literally twitching with excitement...or maybe it was a sugar high! :)

Cassidy was ALL about the strawberries!

Do I have something on my face?


Criss said...

Ok the Walls brothers need to open a fondue restaurant! LOL Woody and John made fondue for Elizabeth and I! OMG it was awesome!!

Anonymous said...


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